Western «Coda» — for our people
Representatives of the Ukrainian Agribusiness visiting Spanish producers…
Spain – the country bright colors, wine, flamenco, bullfighting, olive oil, sea breeze and – micronutrients “CODA”.
The leading Spanish micronutrients manufacturer company SAS invited its Ukrainian partners to the educational and informative tour. The international delegation of Ukrainian agribusiness “Agrofarmahim” LLC, “Agros” LLC, “Agro-Leader”, LLC “Bizon-Import” and PE “Adler” under the leadership of companies “TerraVita” and “Agroflex” visited Barcelona got aquainted with production of micronutrients “CODA” and features of its application.
Ukrainian delegation led by executives of “Agroflex” and” TerraVita” Milena Markarova and Maxim Markarov. The host was represented by manager of SAS in the European region Ignacio Alonso Davila.
The leader of the Spanish market micronutrients company SAS (Sustainable Agro Solutions) was founded in 1989 and specializes in producing high quality products of natural origin.
The most popular product is the micronutrient “CODA” that provide power foliar crops increase yield and quality products, and improve soil fertility.
Secrets of “CODA” – Cuisine: plant micronutrients
The first day of the visit delegates went to Leida town in the west of Catalonia, – this is a special place with a unique climate. There are a lot of farmland, vineyards and here is the SAS factory of micronutrients producing.
Ukrainian group had the opportunity to meet with employees of the company and all processes of production.
The department of scientific research – biologists, agronomists and doctors. Before the release of new product examples are carefully checked in laboratories, pass through a series of experiments and tested on their fields of research.
Micronutrient mixtures developed in certain cultures and regions. The company has buyers from all over the world and every year expanding cooperation borders. The Company “TerraVita” and “Agroflex” for the past four years working with the company SAS is their only official representative in Ukraine.
The production process at the factory is automated and is done using special containers. Fertilizers are prepared in huge tanks and then undergo compulsory filtering. The finished product is sent to a lab for tests by scientists and then for sale.
“The main task of our micronutrients – is the protection of all types of crops and taking care of the quality of the crop and soil. Biostimulators based on amino acids increase plant stress, stimulates their growth and strengthens the root system – said Ignacio Alonso Davila. – “CODA” – a quality product with the best raw materials, which pays for itself and gives good results.
“The company’s motto – “We believe in sustainable agriculture”, that is stability, not a one-off result. Therefore, preventive line of products “CODA” is based on elements that enhance plant immunity.
“The efficient agriculture can not be without pesticides, – says Ignacio Alonso. – Therefore, our main task – to reduce their use to a minimum, strengthening the defenses plants special “vitamins” – fertilizers “.
Products containing trace elements and amino acids, foods with extracts of seaweed, line-phosphites micronutrients – all produced at the compact in Leida.
Each year SAS is expanding its range. The company produces special series of products tailored to specific regions of the world. Since producers are interested in Ukrainian market and believe our land fertile and promising, it is possible that in the near future will be a new line of products to Ukraine.
At the end of a trip representatives of companies “TerraVita” and “Agroflex” visited different parts of Barcelona and abroad, met with the local culture and praised the hospitality of Spanish colleagues.
It was the first visit of Ukrainian Agribusiness in Spain, organized by SAS, «TerraVita” and “Agroflex”. These trips will be made to distributors and large buyers of “CODA” products twice a year. “Ukrainian group surprised by its responsibility, punctuality and organization” – shared his impressions Ignacio Alonso, who accompanied the delegation.
Management of companies “Agroflex” and “TerraVita” also were happy. “Everything was organized at the highest level and really enjoyed our clients – notify Milena Markarova. – It is nice that suppliers not only provide us with a quality product, but conduct such study tours for their customers. We are pleased for our effective cooperation with SAS».