Garden Day in “Obriy” Ltd.
Apple gardens of Ukraine gives us not only beauty of blooming garden, but also tasty fruits. Vinnytsia region is a favorable region for the cultivation of apples. In Vinnytsia region, in Strointsy village, on the basis of the company “Obriy”, “TerraVita Ukraine” LLC together with the company “Agrokomers” held the Garden Day on September 10, 2015.
The seminar brought together many gardeners, owners of farms, agronomists, who are willing to provide better quality protection and fertilization for their gardens.
The seminar was opened by the General Director of the corporation “SadVinProm” Anatoliy Semenyuk. After welcoming the participants, Anatoly Ivanovich said that “SadVinProm” has grown the biggest apple harvest in Ukraine, despite the weather conditions this year. Mr. Semenyuk called for mutual communication between participants, because such seminars are held for the best yields.
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A.Krasovskyi, K.Markarova, A.Semenyuk, A.Bagriy |
General Director of “TerraVita Ukraine” LLC K.A. Markarova also welcomed all the participants on the fertile land of Vinnytsia region. Mrs. Markarova, shortly presented the company and expressed gratitude to the director of “Agrokomers” A.V. Voitovych for cooperation in the area of distribution of “TerraVita Ukraine” products, namely plant protection products and micronutrients.
As everyone knows, for their development plants need water, oxygen and micro-and macroelements. Therefore, the special attention of participants was devoted to microfertilizers from “TerraVita Ukraine”.
Alexandra Miller presented the company ADOB (Poland), which for 25 years is one of the leading manufacturers of special chelates and micronutrients. The unique micronutrients CIBUS have a substance IDHA as a helatilizing element. The special feature of substance IDHA is that fertilizers, containing it, are fully biodegradable in soil. CIBUS fertilizers contain nitrogen and chelated elements, which are the main factor for a better action of the plant protection products. In the gardens of the company “Obriy” was applied the microfertilizer SIBUS Max, which had a good impact on the formation of high-quality fruit, increasing the yield.
Microfertilizers for foliar application of plants CODA presented to participants Commercial director of “TerraVita Ukraine” M.V. Markarov. Microfertilizers CODA – is a highly concentrated complex of elements and growth factors, which are necessary for plants nutrition and yield increasing. “The better the crop is fertilized before winter, the better is the nutrition of fruits and their storage in winter” – said M. Markarov.
Concerning the systems of protection of the main crops with products from “TerraVita Ukraine” told in details Head of sales department S.M. Lyamets, making a focus on the protection of gardens. Better protection of gardens against diseases provide fungicides Syllit 400 SC (dodine, 400 g/l), Pyrus 400 SC (pyrimethanil, 400 g/l), Escada 488 SC (copper hydroxide 488 g/l (300 g / l of pure copper)) .
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M.Markarov, A.Miller, A.Bagriy, A.Voitovych |
The experience of application of the products of “TerraVita Ukraine” described in details Director of “Agrokomers” A.V. Voitiviych, noting that during two years of using the products from “TerraVita” in Vinnitsya region, there were only positive feedback from customers. A.V. Voitivych noted about the uniqueness of the fungicide Syllit 400 SC with a new active ingredient for Ukraine “dodine”. At the application of Syllit 400 SC the risk of apple scab infection has been radically reduced. Syllit 400 SC combines contact and systemic action. Dodine molecule has an electric charge, so that the product “sticks to the leaf as honey or paint,” – said Mr. Voitivych. Due to this feature, scab on apple has no chance. A particular advantage of Syllit 400 SC is an effect at low temperatures, even at + 2°C. Also A.V. Voitivych described the experience of usage of fungicides Pyrus 400 SC (pyrimethanil, 400 g/l), Fulgor 250 SC (flutriafol, 250 g/l), Baccard 125 EC (quizalofop-P-ethyl 125 g/l). Escada 488 SC has a usable formulation and low concentration of the active ingredient has a positive effect on the crop without causing phytotoxicity. To protect field crops from pests Mr. Voitovych recommended well known insecticides Arrivo, e.c. (cypermethrin 250 g/l), Talstar, e.c. (bifenthrin, 100 g/l), Fury, e.c. (zetatsipermethrin 100 g/l) and for using in the garden, in the initial stage of vegetation – Superkil 440 EC (cypermethrin 40 g/l + chlorpyrifos, 400g/l) and Terrahlor 480 EC (chlorpyrifos, 480g/l).
Regarding the herbicide Baccard 125 EC told the representative of the company “Vodoliy” Koval M.V., described the use of the product against the wheatgrass in the currants. After processing, the result showed itself in 3-4 weeks without having adverse effects on the crop. A.Voitovych also noted that Baccard 125 EC due to delayed action penetrated better into the root system of weeds. After the study of wheatgrass root system it was revealed that the herbicide penetrateв to the third internode.
Continuing his report, Mr. Voitovych shared his experience of using the micronutrients CODA and SIBUS. “SIBUS Max – a unique fertilizer on the content of trace elements. Soluble in water better than sugar “, – said Anatoly. CODA Complex and CODA Complex Plus have in their content aminoacids with adhesive effect, which provide better performsnce of plant protection products. Microfertilizers CODA remove pesticide stress pf the crop due to the content of aminoacids. Fertilizers SOLU Bor and CODA Zn-L are using in Vinnytsya region after the harvest to improve the winter tolerance of trees and bushes.
All the abovementioned facts about the use and effectiveness of the “TerraVita Ukraine” products confirmed an independent consultant agronomist Vladimir Markov. Also, Mr. Markov added about effective result of fruit set after using fertilizer SOLU Bor with 15% of boron content.
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Visit to the garden “Obriy” Ltd |
At the end of the plenary session all the participants visited a beautiful orchard of the company “Obriy” where for a better yield were used microfertilizers CODA Brix, SIBUS Max, fungicide Syllit 400 SC from “TerraVita Ukraine”. At the end of the seminar participants received nice gifts from “TerraVita Ukraine” during the banquet.
“TerraVita Ukraine” LLC expresses its gratitude to the Head of the company “Obriy” A.G. Bagriy for holding the seminar, as well as all those who actively participated in this event.